She is later stopped by the pair with Kellerman angry at the attempt on his life and reminding Sara that she is now a part of the conspiracy.

During the long ride to Chicago, Sara suddenly remembers Kellerman’s betrayal and torture and tries to strangle him while Michael was away and Lincoln was asleep. They later get a spot in the Amtrak when Kellerman poses as a Secret Service agent bringing Scofield as a fugitive and taking the conductor into giving them an entire car for the trip, which Lincoln and Sara sneak into. Kellerman later gets several calls from the President, who continues to tempt him to return to the fold. Kellerman tells them that there is an exclusive club in Chicago that has a safe that can only be opened with Sara’s key. They later confront Kellerman over the torture and he tries to justify the decision by claiming it was under orders and tells Sara not to take it personally. The reunited trio learn of her torture by Kellerman and the magnetic key that got Sara’s father killed. The episode begins with Michael, Lincoln reuniting with Sara at a train station. Haywire is dead, Bellwick is out of jail and Kellerman was tempted.